




湯姆 Bol的不只是人們發現,他們在那裡所有的時間。 這只是說,他最近開始把它們放在聚光燈下。在很長一段時間他的攝影是關於景觀和戶外活動。然後,他開始參與冒險運動既是一個攝影師和指導,而這一點,當人們變得更有趣。然後沿著來無線閃存技術,突然得到了一大堆的人更容易拍攝。
It's just that he's recently started to put them in the spotlight.For a long time his photography was about landscapes and the great outdoors. Then he became involved with adventure sports as both a photographer and a guide, and that's when people became a little more interesting. Then along came wireless flash technology and suddenly people got a whole lot easier to photograph.

Tom admits to being intimidated by flash photography back in the days when it seemed to be all about numbers, formulas and flash meters.湯姆承認被嚇倒早在閃光攝影時,它的日子似乎是所有關於數字,公式和閃光米。 That's all changed: "Now I've got an LCD on my camera and wireless control of my flash units," he says, "and it's let's go explore that."這一切都變了:“現在我有一個對我的相機和液晶無線控制我的閃光燈,”他說,“這讓我們去探索的。” With the SU-800 Wireless Speedlight Commander and his SB-800 and SB-900 Speedlights, people are no problem.隨著SU - 800無線閃光燈指揮官和他的SB - 800和SB - 900的閃光燈,人們都沒有問題。 "You can put the flash units where you want them and then stand at the camera and control the output of your flashes." “你可以把閃光燈需要的位置,然後站在攝像機和控制輸出你的閃爍。” In addition, Tom says that a final piece of the puzzle fell into place thanks to the wide selection of accessories that work so well with Nikon Speedlights, from the color gels and the diffusion dome supplied with every SB-800 and SB-900 to the variety of soft boxes (for additional light diffusion) and snoots (for precise focusing of the light) offered by other companies.此外,湯姆說,最後一塊拼圖陷入地方要歸功於廣泛選擇的配件工作,以及與尼康閃光燈,從顏色凝膠和擴散提供的每一個球的SB - 800和SB - 900到各種軟盒(用於額外的光擴散)和snoots(精確聚焦的光)提供的其他公司。

Just about the time Tom started to pick up on the possibilities of flash for people and other outdoor subjects, participants in his workshops began requesting more information on the subject.湯姆只是時間上開始回升的可能性為人們的閃存和其他戶外主題,與會者在研討會開始要求更多的信息,關於這個問題的。 "Time and again I'd be conducting a landscape workshop and people would be asking, 'What about adding a little bit of flash to this flower?'" “一次又一次,我會進行景觀車間,人們會問,'什麼有關添加一點點的閃爍,這花?”

Soon people pictures became an important part of Tom's work—for stock images, for commercial assignments and to illustrate magazine and web articles.不久,人們的照片成為一個重要的組成部分湯姆的工作,為商業圖片,為商業任務,並說明雜誌和網絡文章。 Which opened up a whole new area of creativity for him: namely, the ideas and the settings for his people shots, which are light years beyond the standard "go pose by the cactus" shot.開闢了一個全新的領域為他的創意:即思想和他的人民的設置拍攝,這是光年以外的標準“去構成了仙人掌”出手。

The ideas come from everywhere.來自世界各地的想法。 "We went to a junkyard," Tom says of the first photo you see here, "and talked the owner into letting us shoot there. We had a friend who had the James Dean, white T-shirt thing going, and then I saw that great sky and thought, I'll shoot the whole scene with an incandescent white balance favoring a cool blue tone, then put warming gels on the lights to warm up the subject and the immediate area. Then the guy asks, "Do you mind if I smoke?' “我們去了一個垃圾場,”湯姆說,第一張照片,你看到這裡,“與主人交談,讓我們到那裡拍攝。我們有一個朋友誰的詹姆斯迪恩,白色T卹的東西去,然後我看到這個偉大的天空和思想,我就開槍了整個場景與白熾燈白平衡利於酷藍色基調,然後將凝膠上的燈暖升溫的主體和附近地區。然後男人問:“你介意我抽煙嗎?' Perfect!"太棒了!“

And once he started dreaming up ideas, it was hard to turn it off.還有一次,他就開始夢想的想法,也很難將其關閉。 The cemetery shot, for example, came from the location.該墓地拍攝,例如,來自的位置。 "It's near my home in Ft. Collins [Colorado]," Tom says, "and I've driven by a zillion times. I used to run through there on long runs, and one day it was foggy and misty and I thought, there's a shot that has to be done here. I thought, a woman, with a flower, visiting someone." “這是我家附近的Ft。柯林斯[科羅拉多州],”湯姆說,“我擦肩而過無數次。我曾經穿過那裡長期運行,有一天,霧朦朧,我想,有一個鏡頭是要在這裡完成。我想,一個女人,一朵花,參觀的人。“ Once again, he used the cool white balance/warming gel technique.再次,他用涼白平衡/變暖凝膠技術。 "To really compress the tombstones I had to use a long lens—the 200-400mm [AF-S VR Zoom-NIKKOR 200-400mm f/4G IF-ED] at 400mm." “要真正壓縮的墓碑,我不得不用長鏡頭的200 - 400mm的 [的AF - S VR變焦尼克爾200 - 400mm的f/4G IF - ED鏡頭]在400毫米。“

Sometimes the ideas, and the locations, come from the models.有時的想法,和地點,來自模型。 The tango dancers, for instance.探戈舞者,例如。 "The trick was the location," Tom says. “技巧是位置,”湯姆說。 "Buenos Aires is a very busy city, but we ran into this couple in a plaza—they were the real thing, real tango dancers, and they knew of a blocked-off road, and it was a beautiful cobblestone street. We walked over at twilight, got the shots and got out of there. They wanted shots for their portfolio, so it worked out beautifully." “布宜諾斯艾利斯是一個非常繁忙的城市,但我們遇到了這對情侶在廣場,他們是實實在在的東西,真正的探戈舞者,他們知道被封鎖過的道路,這是一個美麗的鵝卵石街道。我們走了過來黃昏,得到了拍攝和離開了那裡。他們希望他們的鏡頭組合,所以它的工作做出來很漂亮。“

All but four of the photos here were done with SB-800s and SB-900s; the exceptions demanded the power and recycle speed of location strobes.除四個這裡的照片進行了配合SB - 800和SB - 900;的例外要求回收的力量和速度的位置選通。 For the majority of his work these days, though, Tom says "you can't beat the simplicity and portability of those SB flash units."對於大多數人來說這幾天,他的工作,不過,湯姆說:“你不能打的簡單性和可移植性這些保安局閃光燈。”

Combining flash technology with people as his subject matter has opened up a whole new area of possibilities for Tom.閃存技術相結合作為他與人題材開闢了一個全新的領域的可能性湯姆。 "I can be dramatic with lighting, or playful, or just experiment and dream up ideas. I can be mysterious or puzzling...or anything I want. Light makes it all work." “我可以戲劇性的照明,或嬉戲,或只是實驗和夢想的想法。我可以神秘或令人費解 ...或任何我想要的。光讓這一切工作。”

Tom Bol's website features a variety of his images of people, places and outdoor adventures as well as complete information on his photography workshops.湯姆Bol的網站功能多樣,他形象的人,地方和戶外探險活動,以及完整的資料,他的攝影講習班。

Interested in learning more about how color temperature and warming gels can set the mood of a photo?有興趣學習更多有關如何色溫和升溫凝膠可以設置照片的心情? Dave Black has an informative Nikon World column all about it right here.戴夫黑棋一列中的所有信息世界尼康關於它的權利在這裡。

