



設置白平衡 Beginner Content

In the Degrees Kelvin setting the water is white, which is how it actually appeared.設置在開氏度的水是白色的,這是他實際上是怎樣出現。
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Actually, setting your camera's white balance is the easy part.其實,設置相機的白平衡是容易的部分。 What's a little trickier is understanding why you should make a particular setting.什麼是有點棘手的是理解為什麼你應該做一個特定的設置。

The color of an object is affected by the lighting conditions under which it is viewed.一個物體的顏色是受光照條件下,它被認為是。 Our eyes and our brain compensate for different types of light—that's why a white object appears white to us whether it's viewed in sunlight, under overcast skies or indoors under incandescent or fluorescent light.我們的眼睛和大腦的補償不同類型的光,這就是為什麼會出現一個白色物體白給我們無論是在陽光下看,在陰天或室內白熾燈或熒光燈下。 But digital cameras need help to emulate this process, to compensate for different types of lighting and render a white object white.但數碼相機需要幫助來模擬這一過程,以彌補不同類型的燈光和渲染一個白色物體的白色。

The white balance setting is that help.白平衡設置是幫助。

We can simply set auto white balance and the camera will read the scene's color temperature (basically the hue and intensity of a particular light source, measured in degrees Kelvin) and choose a setting from its collection of pre-programmed adjustments.我們可以簡單地設定自動白平衡,相機會讀場景的色溫(基本色調和強度的特定光源,測量在開氏度),並選擇設置其收集的預編程的調整。 That's a good solution when a scene's lighting is pretty much all of one type and there's a prominent white or neutral subject in the scene.這是一個很好的解決方案時,現場的燈光幾乎所有的同一類型和存在的一個突出的白色或中性的話題,在現場。

In most cases, though, accurate color rendition is going to call for a manual white balance setting.在大多數情況下,雖然,準確的色彩還原是要去拜訪了手動白平衡設置。 Those settings choices are incandescent, fluorescent, flash, cloudy, open shade, sunny, Kelvin color temperature and PRE.這些設置的選擇是白熾燈,熒光燈,閃光燈,陰天,戶外陰影,陽光明媚,開爾文色溫和PRE。

The Incandescent setting is best for traditional household bulbs; Fluorescent will prevent the green cast common to photos taken in fluorescent light; Cloudy will add a bit of warmth to the light; Flash adds a more aggressive touch of warmth to take the edge off the bright light of a flash; Open Shade adds a slight pink tone to eliminate the blue cast that shadows take on in open shade; and Sunny sets the color temperature to 5000 degrees Kelvin, which is typical of mid-day sun.白熾燈設置傳統的家庭是最好的燈泡;綠色熒光將防止演員共同拍攝的照片在熒光燈;多雲將增添幾分溫暖的光線閃光增添了一抹溫暖更積極採取了明亮的邊緣光的閃爍;戶外陰影增加了一個輕微的粉色調,以消除陰影的藍色投下的陰影採取公開和陽光的色溫設置為 5000開氏度,這是典型的中午的太陽。

Then there's the Kelvin Color Temperature setting.還有的開爾文色溫設置。 It's a do-it-yourself choice, in which you actually set the degrees Kelvin to affect how the camera will see and render the hue and intensity of colors in the scene.這是一個做自己動手的選擇,在其中您實際設置開氏度,影響相機如何將看到和呈現顏色的色調和強度在現場。 Using the Kelvin setting you can fine tune those colors to your definition of "accurate," or skew the colors to reflect your choice of the scene's mood and feeling.利用開爾文設置​​,您可以微調的顏色你的定義的“準確”或歪斜的顏色,以反映您所選擇的場景的情緒和感覺。 And when you turn on your Nikon camera's Live View, you will see in real time the result of your specific Kelvin color temperature choices.當您打開您的尼康相機的實時顯示,你會看到實時的結果您的具體開爾文色溫選擇。

Finally, you can choose PRE, the so-called "white card" setting.最後,您可以選擇前,所謂的“白卡”設置。 With that option selected, hold a white card in front of the lens and press the shutter button.與該選項選擇,持有白卡在前面的鏡頭,按下快門按鈕。 The camera will read and lock in the color temperature of the light reflected from that card, and that locked-in reading now becomes the standard for the camera's white balance setting.相機會鎖定在閱讀和色溫的光線反射該卡,並鎖定在閱讀現在成為標準的相機的白平衡設置。 PRE is an ideal way to handle a scene that presents mixed lighting—fluorescent lights in the ceiling and daylight streaming through a window, for example—because it takes into account all the lighting in the scene.預是一種理想的方式來處理的場景,呈現混合照明,熒光燈在天花板和日光流通過一個窗口,例如,因為它考慮到所有的燈光在場景中。 (The locked-in setting is maintained in PRE until you take another white card reading.) (該鎖定的設置是保存在預,直到你把另一個白卡閱讀。)

No matter how you set your white balance, check the results of your choices on the camera's LCD and adjust according to your preference.無論您如何設置您的白平衡,檢查的結果你的選擇在相機的LCD和根據自己的喜好調整。 Often your choice will depend on the look, feel and mood you want for your picture.通常你的選擇將取決於外觀,感覺和情緒,你想為你的照片。 And remember, Live View will show you the effect of your choice before you take the photo.請記住,現場查看將向您展示您所選擇的效果,然後再進行拍攝。

設置在開氏度(左)水是白色的,這是他實際上是怎樣出現。 The Auto White Balance setting (right) did a good job, but it didn't accurately depict the white water.自動白平衡設置(右)幹得不錯,但它並不能準確地描繪了白色的水。 The selected Kelvin temperature was 4435, and turning on Live View enabled photographer Lindsay Silverman to see the results as he selected different Kelvin settings.選定的開爾文溫度為 4435,並打開實時顯示啟用攝影師林賽西爾弗曼看到的結果,因為他選擇不同的開爾文的設置

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1. Setting White Balance

Setting White Balance設置白平衡 Beginner Content

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© Lindsay Silverman ©林賽西爾弗曼

In the Degrees Kelvin setting the water is white, which is how it actually appeared.設置在開氏度的水是白色的,這是他實際上是怎樣出現。
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* ©林賽西爾弗曼
* ©林賽西爾弗曼
* ©林賽西爾弗曼
* ©林賽西爾弗曼
* ©林賽西爾弗曼
* ©林賽西爾弗曼
* ©林賽西爾弗曼
* ©林賽西爾弗曼
* ©林賽西爾弗曼
* ©林賽西爾弗曼
* ©林賽西爾弗曼
* ©林賽西爾弗曼
* ©林賽西爾弗曼
* ©林賽西爾弗曼

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Actually, setting your camera's white balance is the easy part.其實,設置相機的白平衡是容易的部分。 What's a little trickier is understanding why you should make a particular setting.什麼是有點棘手的是理解為什麼你應該做一個特定的設置。

The color of an object is affected by the lighting conditions under which it is viewed.一個物體的顏色是受光照條件下,它被認為是。 Our eyes and our brain compensate for different types of light—that's why a white object appears white to us whether it's viewed in sunlight, under overcast skies or indoors under incandescent or fluorescent light.我們的眼睛和大腦的補償不同類型的光,這就是為什麼會出現一個白色物體白給我們無論是在陽光下看,在陰天或室內白熾燈或熒光燈下。 But digital cameras need help to emulate this process, to compensate for different types of lighting and render a white object white.但數碼相機需要幫助來模擬這一過程,以彌補不同類型的燈光和渲染一個白色物體的白色。

The white balance setting is that help.白平衡設置是幫助。

We can simply set auto white balance and the camera will read the scene's color temperature (basically the hue and intensity of a particular light source, measured in degrees Kelvin) and choose a setting from its collection of pre-programmed adjustments.我們可以簡單地設定自動白平衡,相機會讀場景的色溫(基本色調和強度的特定光源,測量在開氏度),並選擇設置其收集的預編程的調整。 That's a good solution when a scene's lighting is pretty much all of one type and there's a prominent white or neutral subject in the scene.這是一個很好的解決方案時,現場的燈光幾乎所有的同一類型和存在的一個突出的白色或中性的話題,在現場。

In most cases, though, accurate color rendition is going to call for a manual white balance setting.在大多數情況下,雖然,準確的色彩還原是要去拜訪了手動白平衡設置。 Those settings choices are incandescent, fluorescent, flash, cloudy, open shade, sunny, Kelvin color temperature and PRE.這些設置的選擇是白熾燈,熒光燈,閃光燈,陰天,戶外陰影,陽光明媚,開爾文色溫和PRE。

The Incandescent setting is best for traditional household bulbs; Fluorescent will prevent the green cast common to photos taken in fluorescent light; Cloudy will add a bit of warmth to the light; Flash adds a more aggressive touch of warmth to take the edge off the bright light of a flash; Open Shade adds a slight pink tone to eliminate the blue cast that shadows take on in open shade; and Sunny sets the color temperature to 5000 degrees Kelvin, which is typical of mid-day sun.白熾燈設置傳統的家庭是最好的燈泡;綠色熒光將防止演員共同拍攝的照片在熒光燈;多雲將增添幾分溫暖的光線閃光增添了一抹溫暖更積極採取了明亮的邊緣光的閃爍;戶外陰影增加了一個輕微的粉色調,以消除陰影的藍色投下的陰影採取公開和陽光的色溫設置為 5000開氏度,這是典型的中午的太陽。

Then there's the Kelvin Color Temperature setting.還有的開爾文色溫設置。 It's a do-it-yourself choice, in which you actually set the degrees Kelvin to affect how the camera will see and render the hue and intensity of colors in the scene.這是一個做自己動手的選擇,在其中您實際設置開氏度,影響相機如何將看到和呈現顏色的色調和強度在現場。 Using the Kelvin setting you can fine tune those colors to your definition of "accurate," or skew the colors to reflect your choice of the scene's mood and feeling.利用開爾文設置​​,您可以微調的顏色你的定義的“準確”或歪斜的顏色,以反映您所選擇的場景的情緒和感覺。 And when you turn on your Nikon camera's Live View, you will see in real time the result of your specific Kelvin color temperature choices.當您打開您的尼康相機的實時顯示,你會看到實時的結果您的具體開爾文色溫選擇。

Finally, you can choose PRE, the so-called "white card" setting.最後,您可以選擇前,所謂的“白卡”設置。 With that option selected, hold a white card in front of the lens and press the shutter button.與該選項選擇,持有白卡在前面的鏡頭,按下快門按鈕。 The camera will read and lock in the color temperature of the light reflected from that card, and that locked-in reading now becomes the standard for the camera's white balance setting.相機會鎖定在閱讀和色溫的光線反射該卡,並鎖定在閱讀現在成為標準的相機的白平衡設置。 PRE is an ideal way to handle a scene that presents mixed lighting—fluorescent lights in the ceiling and daylight streaming through a window, for example—because it takes into account all the lighting in the scene.預是一種理想的方式來處理的場景,呈現混合照明,熒光燈在天花板和日光流通過一個窗口,例如,因為它考慮到所有的燈光在場景中。 (The locked-in setting is maintained in PRE until you take another white card reading.) (該鎖定的設置是保存在預,直到你把另一個白卡閱讀。)

No matter how you set your white balance, check the results of your choices on the camera's LCD and adjust according to your preference.無論您如何設置您的白平衡,檢查的結果你的選擇在相機的LCD和根據自己的喜好調整。 Often your choice will depend on the look, feel and mood you want for your picture.通常你的選擇將取決於外觀,感覺和情緒,你想為你的照片。 And remember, Live View will show you the effect of your choice before you take the photo.請記住,現場查看將向您展示您所選擇的效果,然後再進行拍攝。

In the Degrees Kelvin setting (left) the water is white, which is how it actually appeared.設置在開氏度(左)水是白色的,這是他實際上是怎樣出現。 The Auto White Balance setting (right) did a good job, but it didn't accurately depict the white water.自動白平衡設置(右)幹得不錯,但它並不能準確地描繪了白色的水。 The selected Kelvin temperature was 4435, and turning on Live View enabled photographer Lindsay Silverman to see the results as he selected different Kelvin settings.選定的開爾文溫度為 4435,並打開實時顯示啟用攝影師林賽西爾弗曼看到的結果,因為他選擇不同的開爾文的設置。

These photos were made using an SB-800 Speedlight.利用這些照片進行了一個 SB - 800閃光燈。 Flash White Balance (left) does a better job of depicting the scene than Auto White Balance (right), which had trouble with the fluorescent and other lights in the scene.閃光燈白平衡(左)做了更好的工作場景的描繪比自動白平衡(右),該問題與熒光燈等在現場。

The Cloudy White Balance setting (left) warms the hands but doesn't produce the bright white of Auto White Balance.陰天白平衡設置(左)溫暖的手,但不會產生明亮的白色自動白平衡。

Open Shade White Balance (left) gives the scene more warmth, but Auto White Balance (right) results in whiter whites.戶外陰影白平衡(左)為現場更溫馨,但自動白平衡(右)的結果在白的更白。

Auto White Balance (right) warms up the ship's interior, which was lit by incandescent light, but the Incandescent setting (left) captures all the tones as they really were, adding a feeling of depth to the scene.自動白平衡(右)預熱船舶的內部,這是點燃的白熾燈,但白熾燈設定(左)捕獲所有的音調,因為他們真的是,增加了感覺深入到現場。

Auto White Balance (rigth) can't correct for the fluorescent illumination.自動白平衡(rigth)不能正確的日光燈照明。 Fluorescent White Balance (left) is designed for exactly this kind of scene.熒光白平衡(左)是專為正是這種景象。 Note the difference not only in the vegetables, but also in the white of the cloth.請注意區別不僅在蔬菜,而且在白色的布。

Auto White Balance (right) produced a pleasing, balanced image, but the PRE (or white card) photo (left) is warmer, with whiter whites and an overall faithful rendition of the scene's colors.自動白平衡(右)製作了一個美觀,均衡的形象,但前(或白卡)照片(左)是溫暖,與白的更白和總體忠實再現了場景的顏色。 The white card reading balanced the scene's mixed lighting quite well.白卡閱讀均衡場景的混合照明非常好。

